Soldier of Christ

Our unique unisex Soldier of Christ (SOC) emblem expresses the Believer's identity and commitment to suffering as a good Soldier of Christ Jesus as written in 2 Timothy 2:3-4.

This is our flagship design for those who desire to identify as a good "Soldier of Christ" Jesus and humbly and boldly display this emblem to the world around them.

This emblem reflects the essence of who we are in Jesus Christ!

We are good Soldiers of Christ Jesus with good and noble hearts. We fight the good fight of faith and soldier forward in daily spiritual warfare. We embrace periodic suffering in a broken world as we strain ahead toward the eternal call of our lives.

We acknowledge that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, authorities, and powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. We put on the full armor of God and choose daily to take our stand against the devil's schemes and remain standing.

We humbly and boldly display our allegiance to our Lord and Savior and commanding officer Jesus Christ as faithful soldiers in this temporal "world at war" we live within. We do not get entangled in civilian affairs but stay focused on the mission and strive to please our commanding officer.

Our citizenship is in Heaven in the spiritual 'eternal realm'. Our call of duty is Spiritual Warfare in the physical 'temporal realm' as we share the Gospel and fulfill our mission as good Soldiers of Christ Jesus!